The Unity Distribution Portal is going to be deprecated on February 17, 2025

To ensure that your applications will still function as expected after February 17, 2025, please follow the instructions provided by the migration guides.

Creating a build for Samsung Galaxy Store with UDP
The Samsung Galaxy Store is preloaded on all Galaxy smartphones and tablets worldwide.
UDP can repack your UDP build into an APK that meets Samsung’s requirements:
  • implementing the latest public Samsung IAP SDK.
  • having a .gs package name suffix.
Important - this method only creates an APK for you to download and use in your submission. It does not submit anything from UDP. You still need to submit your game manually to the Galaxy Store Seller Portal (APK, metadata, IAP information, etc).
Creating a Samsung build from your UDP build
Step 1 : On the UDP console, once your game revision is released, go to the Publish page and select Samsung Galaxy Store.
Important - if your game already exists on the Galaxy Store Seller Portal, make sure that:
  • The app signing certificate on UDP is identical to the one already used on your game.
  • The package names are identical (UDP will add a .gs to the package name).
Step 2 : Select “Repack game” and hit the Publish button.
By selecting “Repack game” and hitting the “Publish” button, you acknowledge and agree (1) that the use of this repacking solution is at your own discretion and risk; (2) that you are solely responsible for any damage or loss results from such use; and (3) that Unity is not responsible and liable for such use.
Step 3 : In the Status page, download the repacked APK.
Preparing and submitting your game on the Galaxy Store Seller Portal
Step 4 : Connect to the Galaxy Store Seller Portal and go to your game.
Step 5 : Upload the repacked APK. Edit your game description and IAP information as needed.
Step 6 : Submit your game, and wait for the outcome of the Store Review from Samsung.
Step 7 : Release your game once approved.
Server Side Verification/Validation
If your game uses server-side IAP validation, you must ensure your game server application implements the Samsung IAP Server APIs. Your game build should request your game server to fetch the data from the Samsung IAP server using the Server APIs.
Important - UDP cannot perform server-side IAP callbacks on games repacked with Samsung’s public IAP SDK. As a result:
  • If your game uses server-side IAP validation, you still need to implement it directly for Samsung using the method above.
  • Your game’s transaction and revenue data (for Samsung) will not show in UDP’s reporting dashboard. Usage data (DAU, MAU, sessions, etc) is still tracked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I previously used UDP to submit my game to Samsung Galaxy Store. Can I use the current UDP solution to update my game on the Galaxy Store Seller Portal?
A: Yes. Your repacked build will have the same package name and the same signature as the builds you had previously submitted to Samsung Galaxy Store via UDP.
Q: I previously used UDP to submit my game to Samsung Galaxy Store, now I am using UDP to repack my game. Is it normal that UDP doesn't track as much information as before?
A: Yes. UDP kept the submission and reporting history of the games you had previously submitted to the Galaxy Store via UDP, so that is still found in your games’ Status page and in the UDP Reporting dashboard.
But starting from the game revisions repacked with the public Samsung IAP SDK (and submitted manually from the Galaxy Store Seller Portal) note that:
  • UDP will not track their submission status.
  • UDP will not track their IAP transactions and revenue. But the usage data (users, sessions, etc) is still tracked in the UDP Reporting dashboard.
Q: Why do I still need to create a Release on UDP if the metadata and IAP information isn’t submitted to the Galaxy Store Seller Portal via UDP?
A: Creating a Release on UDP is a prerequisite to start processing the game for the stores. Since UDP is meant to submit your game to multiple stores, we decided to maintain the requirement of providing the minimum metadata and IAP information for a store submission.
If you’re planning on only repacking your game for the Samsung Galaxy Store, you can enter placeholder metadata in the Game Info page to meet the release requirements.
We however strongly advise that you input real metadata and IAP information so you can easily submit your game to the other stores on UDP. Remember that you can import your game metadata from Google Play in a click, and import your IAP catalog in bulk with CSV files.
Q: I previously created a separate game build for the Samsung Galaxy Store and submitted it directly to the Galaxy Store Seller Portal. Can I use the UDP solution to update my game on the Galaxy Store Seller Portal?
A: Yes. Follow the instructions in this guide to create the repacked build, making sure that you use the same package name and the same signature as for the build you already have on the Galaxy Store. The submission process is unchanged (directly / manually on the Galaxy Store Seller Portal).